The research will take place within the Centre for Speech Technology Research (CSTR). For 30 years, CSTR has taken a multidisciplinary approach to spoken language processing, from 1980s contributions to statistical automatic speech recog- nition, 1990s release of Festival to present day projects on all aspects of spoken language processing. CSTR comprises 4 faculty, ∼15 postdoctoral Research Fellows and ∼15 Ph.D. students. It maintains close relationships with its spinout companies Cereproc (synthesis), Quorate (recognition) and Speech Graphics (animation) and industry: BBC, RedBee Media, Apple, Toshiba, Google, and many others.
Projects to be hosted
- ESR5 Embedding enhancement information in the speech signal
- ESR6 Synthetic speech optimised for low cognitive load
Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment
- Anechoic chamber
- 3 recording studios
- eye-tracking
- Electromagnetic Articulography
- Ultrasound
- audiometry
- perceptual testing lab
- high-performance computing (large cluster; GPU machines)
- most standard corpora
- extensive software
- extensive proprietary speech corpora
- personal desk space for all Ph.D students
- HD video conferencing