Official ENRICH news
Esther: As discussed at E7, we not only have a corpus with finalized products which we have hosted at UEDIN, but we also need a workspace or environment such as Dropbox in which we can easily share data within the network. As Dropbox is not considered safe, we are now using Surfdrive which is hosted by a consortium of Dutch universities (and is safe). Please let me know if you have data to share, or would like to have access to other data within the ENRICH network because I can easily give you access (and rights to edit) to this shared ENRICH workspace. Monica and Martin: Description of the forthcoming Deliverables, Milestones, Reports (including templates), Reviews, payments, as well as deadlines were recently sent to all ENRICH Members by email within the E7-Supervisory Board Minutes. Please make sure to read this important information. |
ESR/Seniors news
Amy: I’m close to starting testing for my experiment, and will be giving my first medical-physics departmental seminar at the Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg on 26.06.2018. Anna: I’m excited to start my three-month secondment with Sonova beginning of May. There have been many Skype calls, e-mails and other preparatory work going into this project already, but now it’s time for me to say goodbye to London and Grüezi Zurich until July. I will be testing hearing impaired people with my EEG measures, and look at Sonova’s speech processing algorithms designed to reduce background noise in hearing aids. I’m very happy to get this opportunity to research with and learn from Sonova, and will hopefully get some interesting results for my PhD too. I’ll keep you updated and deliver a more detailed report at our next meeting! Anna: gave a talk on Tuesday, 24 April at the Experimental Phonetics and Phonology seminar in Cambridge (Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics). She talked about the structure and purpose of ENRICH, as well as her own PhD project. Katherine and Mirjam: Elisabeth Süß, Katherine Marcoux, and Mirjam Ernestus had the poster “Perception of Native and Non-native Lombard Speech” accepted for the International Max Planck Research School for the Language Sciences Conference 2018, which will take place June 5th-7th. Max: presented a poster at the Experimental Psychology Society meeting last week in Leicester and got some great feedback on the idea for his second study. He will be looking at listening effort for degraded speech when text captions are displayed simultaneously. If anyone has worked on this before, any help from ENRICH is appreciated. Olina, Dipyjoti, Shifas and Avashna: have been accepted to participate in Google’s exclusive Speech Technology Summit which will be held at Google, London from 2 May until 4 May. Valerie: has a new paper out on clear speech adaptations with ex-PhD student Sonia Granlund and colleague Merle Mahon entitled ‘Children’s Acoustic and Linguistic Adaptations to Peers With Hearing Impairment’ (JSHLR, newly published section) |
Advice/Help wanted
Chen: I am planning on doing a short secondment at Martin’s lab for a week at the beginning of June (4-8) so any practical information will be appreciated Co-Editors: We welcome your feedback on this first edition of the newsletter and ideas you may have to make it better! |
And the rest…
Chen: There is an ‘International Workshop on Language Production’ ( happening in Nijmegen on 2-4 July that might be interesting to some of us. Inma: There is a call for Participation open for eNTERFACE 2018 in Louvain, Belgium (July 9th-31st). Any student or young researcher willing to participate to this workshop on multimodal interfaces should apply now. Call closes on May 11th. Travel grants will be provided for students coming from outside Belgium (500€ for European students). See further information at: Three things you might not know about…
Anna 1) I have four brothers. Yes, four. And I’m the only girl. 2) I once worked for a summer at a lake selling tickets – it was September so not many people that want to go swimming outdoors anymore – but great opportunity to study for a test I took the month after…plus, really good pay for the work I did! 3) My favourite fruit is apples Martin 1) I am a deep uranographer, whose printed output could paper the surface of a 40m diameter sphere 2) I hope to reach the half-way point of his Munro round this summer 3) I nearly jacked it all into become a small-scale organic grower Valerie 1) I am a twin, daughter of a twin and married to a twin 2) I once sailed 7813 km as crew on a tall ship from Brazil to Canada 3) I have sung backing vocals (in a choir!) for Elton John, Kylie Minogue, Kiri Te Kanawa and a Spice Girl (Mel C) |
Simon King May 1, 2018
Newsletter – volume 1 – May 2018
Filed Under: Newsletter