E4 – Summer School

From Monday 10th July to Friday 21st July 2017 there are activities and courses for ENRICH members, and then from Monday 24th July to Friday 28th July we will join the 2017 Speech Processing Courses in Crete. Full event details

Speech Processing Courses in Crete

This one-week set of courses and hands-on laboratories is included within the ENRICH summer school, and will involve additional students from other Universities.

E8 – Workshop on speech modifications

The Mid-term Review has been confirmed as Monday 1st October 2018 and E8 will be held on the preceding Saturday and Sunday 29/30 September.  Both E8 and MTR will take place at a single conference/hotel venue in The Hague (Netherlands).   Full details (E8 + MTR)

ENRICH Meeting at ICA – Industry Event

The ENRICH Industry Event will take place on 12 Sept (confirmed by ICA2019). The Supervisory Board meeting will be held on Friday 13 September  2019 (12.30-2.30pm) Full details

E10 – Winter School on applications of enriched speech

Grand Hôtel d'Orléans et La Ripaille 72, rue Bayard, Toulouse, France

E10 will take place in Grand Hôtel d'Orléans et La Ripaille (Toulouse, France) from Saturday 11 to Monday 13 January 2020 (both inclusive), i.e., right after SPIN 2020 (9-10 Jan). […]

ENRICH Public Understanding Event

Royal Institution 21 Albemarle St, Mayfair, London W1S 4BS, United Kingdom

At the Royal Institution (London) on Tuesday 3 March 2020, from 7.00pm to 9.30pm. (Full details)