Monday 3rd April 2017
ESRs and any seniors involved in Tuesday’s tutorials arrive; make their own arrangements in the evening; ESRs to start discussing which 2 people to choose as their representatives.
Tuesday 4th April 2017: speech perception and the auditory system
All of today’s events take place on the ground floor of the Informatics Forum
Note for non-ENRICH attendees: there is plenty of space available for all talks in G.07. No need to register – just come along. However, the catering in the breaks and at lunchtime is only for ENRICH project members.
8.45 arrival, registration, WiFi accounts, badges, etc
Informatics Forum G.01 atrium
note: no coffee provided
9.00-12.30 Experimental Methods for Speech Perception Research
Terrin Tamati (University of Groningen)
Informatics Forum G.07 (capacity 100+)
This session will provide an introduction to various experimental methods that are commonly used in speech perception research. We will discuss the basic design of these methods and how they can be used to investigate different research questions. Particular emphasis will be placed on experimental research with listeners with diverse backgrounds and experiences. We will also walk through how to design, set up, and run an experiment.
You can optionally follow-along with some parts of this session if you bring a laptop with Praat installed. Example stimuli will be provided during the session.
10.30-11.00 break, with refreshments
Informatics Forum G.02 cafe
12.30-14.00 lunch
Informatics Forum G.02 cafe
14.00-15.30 The auditory system or how humans hear
Volker Hohmann (Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg)
Informatics Forum G.07 (capacity 100+)
This presentation gives an overview of the anatomy and function of the
different stages of the auditory pathway from the periphery (outer,
middle and inner ear) to the central parts (brainstem and (primary)
cortex). Signal processing principles used in auditory models to
simulate the function of the different stages are devised. Specific
implementations of some of the stages will be covered in the subsequent
practical session.
15.30-16.00 break, with refreshments
Informatics Forum G.02 cafe
16.00-18.00 Auditory system practical session
Martin Cooke (University of the Basque Country)
Informatics Forum G.07 (capacity approx 8 groups of 4)
You need to bring at least one laptop per group of 4 people, with the appropriate tools installed, according to the Checklist for the auditory system practical session.
Dinner: please self-organise and make your own arrangements
We suggest splitting into groups of 6 people.
Wednesday 5th April 2017: cognitive effort
All of today’s events take place on the 4th floor of the Informatics Forum
Room 4.31 has a capacity of 45.
Note for non-ENRICH attendees: there is limited space available for talks in 4.31. You need to register here. The catering in the breaks and at lunchtime is only for ENRICH project members.
09.00-10.00 Assessment of Cognitive Load During Listening
Jana Besser (Sonova)
Informatics Forum 4.31
The talk will give an introduction to the concepts of listening effort and cognitive load during listening, which have received increasing attention in cognitive hearing research over the past decade. Different types of assessment methods have been applied to measure cognitive load during listening, i.e., self-report, behavioral, and physiological measures. The different types of assessments will be presented and discussed regarding their individual (dis)advantages and methodological considerations. Furthermore, insights from some previous experimental studies will be presented with a focus on results related to amplification and signal processing.
Non-Enrich attendees must register here.
10.00-10.30 Effects of speech rate, speaking style and unfamiliar accents on listening effort
Esther Janse (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Informatics Forum 4.31
In this talk I will touch upon characteristics of speech materials (such as the talker’s speech rate, speaking style, or accent) affecting ease of processing for the listener. I will discuss how easily the presented speech can be mapped onto lexical representations stored in the listener’s mental lexicon, the processing time this mapping process may require, and psycholinguistic methods used to quantify ‘listening effort’.
Non-Enrich attendees must register here.
10.30-11.00 break, with refreshments
Informatics Forum MF2
11.00-11.30 Automatic versus effortful processes in speech perception
Anita Wagner (University of Groningen)
Informatics Forum 4.31
Understanding speech is effortless in ideal conditions because a series of analysis stages processes the signal in an automatic succession. I will discuss how adverse conditions alter these automatic processes, and how we can study the sources of increased processing effort by combining eye-tracking with pupillometry.
Non-Enrich attendees must register here.
a) ESRs: discuss peer-to-peer training
Informatics Forum MF2
Goal: decide on how you will deliver the peer-to-peer training to one another (e.g., what technology you might use). You also need to elect your representatives, to report back to the Supervisory Board meeting on Thursday. Discussions on the content of the peer-to-peer training can start here and be continued tomorrow and then at Firbush.
b) ENRICH Principal Investigators: General Assembly
Informatics Forum 3.07
Agenda will be circulated directly to PIs.
c)Others: CSTR lab tour (optional)
Meeting point: TBC
12.30-14.00 lunch
Informatics Forum MF2
14.00-15.00 The word segmentation problem: signal-driven and knowledge-driven solutions
Laurence White (Plymouth University)
Informatics Forum 4.31
The fact that word segmentation is a potential problem is evident when listening to speech in an unfamiliar language: words are heard to run together and boundaries are difficult to discern. There are, however, clear strategies that listeners exploit to extract lexical structure from the speech stream, based on both linguistic knowledge and acoustic regularities. We discuss the nature of these strategies and how their use is modulated by listening conditions.
Non-Enrich attendees must register here.
15.00-17.00 Group assignment
To be lead by Esther Janse (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Informatics Forum MF2 & other informal spaces
15.30 refreshments available
Informatics Forum MF2
17.00 drinks available
17.00-18.00 Groups present their ideas
18.00-19.00 Drinks reception continues
Informatics Forum MF2 and on the roof terrace (Capacity 60)
Please self-organise into groups of about 6 people, each comprising one of the day’s speakers, a few ESRs, and a few Seniors.
Thursday 6th April 2017: board meeting and complementary skills
Today’s events take place on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Informatics Forum, except for lunch, which will be on the ground floor.
Parallel sessions in the morning.
9.00-11.30 Supervisory Board
Informatics Forum 3.07 (“Instrumented Meeting Room”)
8 beneficiaries + 7 partners + 2 ESR reps + Monica
Capacity 20
9.00-11.30 activities for all ESRs
planning the peer-to-peer training
preparing for the afternoon session on “What it means to do a PhD”
includes a break, with refreshments, at 10.00
Informatics Forum MF2 (capacity 60)
11.30-12.00 Plenary session
Plenary session to communicate anything arising from SB etc. Everyone to attend.
Informatics Forum MF2 (capacity 60)
12.00-13.00 lunch
Informatics Forum G.02 cafe
13.00-17.00 Complementary skills course(s), mainly for ESRs
Led by Jen Allanson
Informatics Forum MF2
Details to be revealed on the day.
15.30 refreshments served
Informatics Forum MF2
Dinner for ESRs
Please self-organise!
Dinner for everyone else
A table for 11 people is reserved at Tanjore (South Indian) for 19.00. The restaurant is “BYOB” (bring your own wine or beer). Meet at the entrance to the Informatics forum at 18.30 (to allow time to walk via a shop), or come directly to the restaurant.