University Medical Center Groningen

The research will take place in the research group Speech and Language (dB SPL), which is part of the Audiology section of the Otorhinolaryngology Department, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG). UMCG is one of the largest hospitals in the Netherlands, providing excellent education and research opportunities on medical and multidisciplinary sciences, with a focus on healthy and active aging. The research group dB SPL, established in 2009, has been conducting multidisciplinary research on speech perception, with an emphasis of its interactions with hearing impairment and aging. The group further offers expertise on perceptual and cognitive mechanisms of speech perception, in normal and impaired hearing, as well as with usage of hearing devices.

Projects to be hosted

  • ESR11 Enhancement of speech emotion recognition
  • ESR12 Top-down enrichment of speech perception

Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment

  • anechoic chamber
  • 4 sound- isolated research booths
  • clinical audiometers
  • 10 clinical audiometric rooms
  • eye tracking
  • pupillometry
  • EEG
